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Does Your Child Have Hearing Loss?

Overwhelmingly, people tend to associate hearing loss with aging. This is a misconception. One study has found that up to 15% of children have some form of hearing loss. Some infants can even be born with impaired hearing—a phenomenon known as congenital hearing loss. This can be caused by a variety of factors, such as birth complications, use of drugs by the mother during pregnancy, and even genetics. Here are some signs that your child may have hearing loss, and why you may want to consider scheduling an infant hearing evaluation.

Does Your Child Have Hearing Loss?

As many as 15% of children have some form of hearing loss. Here are some signs you should schedule a hearing evaluation for your child.


Detecting signs of hearing loss in infants is essential. The faster the problem is recognized and addressed, the higher the likelihood of your child keeping up with speech and language milestones. In the first few months of your child’s life, they should clearly be responding to loud sounds. By four to nine months in age, you should notice them turning their head to look at familiar or startling sounds.

Your child may have hearing loss if you do not notice them responding to your voice, which should become increasingly comforting to them as time goes on. By nine to fifteen months, their elementary language skills should continue to develop. They should respond to their name, babbling, and perhaps even trying to repeat sounds.

If you notice any of the above, consider scheduling an infant hearing evaluation.

Toddlers and Children

You may not notice any signs of hearing loss while your child is an infant. Be on the lookout for signs of hearing loss as they get older. Your child may demonstrate clear difficulty in understanding what others are saying. You might notice them asking for things to be repeated, or perhaps not acknowledging that they have been spoken to. By the time they’re in school, you might notice that they struggle academically.

If your child has hearing loss, they may have become adept at reading lips. Have you noticed that your child has had a harder time understanding you when you’re wearing masks? They may also sit unusually close to screens or turn up the volume uncomfortably high. Earaches tend to be more common among children, but if they complain of ear pain too frequently, it’s time to schedule a hearing evaluation.

The experienced hearing professionals at Bay Area Audiology can provide your child with the necessary help if they have hearing loss. It can be challenging to accept that their hearing is compromised. But you can rest assured that we are more equipped to handle such issues than ever before. Between hearing aids, cochlear implants, and speech therapy, there is a plethora of solutions for your child.

Contact Bay Area Audiology Today

Ready to change the way you look at hearing loss? Our Doctor of Audiology, Dr. Trisha A. Bents Muth, is exceptionally experienced in the art of audiology and is dedicated to providing the absolute best solutions.  Bay Area Audiology has been working to give patients a comfortable environment with thorough evaluations. We are independently owned, and unbiased when it comes to finding you the care you need.

You can always come into the office or contact us in advance to set up an appointment. We also provide updates on our social media websites. You can check out our FacebookTwitterLinkedIn, and Pinterest to keep up with Bay Area Audiology.

Don’t hesitate–we can help.

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