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Your First Audiology Appointment: What to Expect

If you’ve never seen an audiologist before, here are a few key elements that your first appointment will involve.

Maybe you developed some recent concerns about your hearing, or you decided that taking a holistic approach to your health should include getting regular checkups for your ears. Either way, if you’ve never been to an audiologist before, you might not know what your first appointment should look like. Wherever you decide to schedule your first audiology appointment, here are a few key elements that it will involve.

Medical Intake

An audiologist’s is much like a regular doctor’s office. The first few minutes in the waiting room will be occupied with you filling out forms about your medical history, contact and health insurance information. The best way you can prepare is by looking into how you can submit this information in advance, such as via an online form. Otherwise, be prepared by thinking of what pertinent information you’ll need to provide to help you save time before your appointment.

Talking to Your Audiologist

When you’re ready to meet your audiologist, he or she will want to talk to you about your lifestyle to determine how it affects your hearing. You will probably discuss your work, hobbies and other activities, as well as any concerns or changes you have noticed in your hearing. Depending on if you think you need a hearing aid, this will also be the time that your audiologist will introduce you to the options for devices. At this stage of your appointment, it is also important for you to come prepared with questions to ask your audiologist about how to better take care of your ears.

Hearing Tests

Probably the most important part of your appointment will be the tests your audiologist will use to evaluate your hearing. This will include a general physical exam of your ears as well as some more in-depth assessments. The most common types of audiology tests are an otoscopy, tympanometry, and audiometry test. These tests will examine your ear canal for blockages, your eardrums’ function, and how well you respond to audio cues. If any of these sound scary, think of it as similar to an eye exam. The most that will be asked of you is to relax and trust the process. At the end of these tests, your audiologist will discuss your results with you.

Bay Area Audiology provides the best hearing evaluations there are to offer!

Ready to change the way you look at hearing loss?  Our Doctor of Audiology, Dr. Trisha A. Bents Muth, is exceptionally experienced in the art of audiology, and is dedicated to providing the absolute best solutions.  Bay Area Audiology has been working to give patients a comfortable environment, with thorough evaluations.  We are independently owned, and unbiased when it comes to finding you the care you need.

You can always come into the office, or contact us in advance to set up an appointment.  We also provide updates on our social media websites.  You can check out our Facebook,Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, and Pinterest to keep up with Bay Area Audiology.

Don’t hesitate–we can help.

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