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How Can You Protect Your Newborn Baby’s Hearing?

newborn hearing

At the start of its life, you have the chance to make sure its hearing is as good as possible, for as long as possible.

Disregarding some conditions that a baby could be born with, a newborn’s hearing should be nearly perfect.  At the start of its life, you have the chance to make sure its hearing is as good as possible, for as long as possible.  For this reason, it’s important to make sure your baby is protected from anything that could harm its ears.  But, how can you do this when a baby can’t take care of its own hearing?  You as the parent are now responsible for your baby’s hearing health.  Read on for a few tips that can help you.

Protect From Loud Toys


Did you know that some baby toys can reach up to 100 decibels?  This kind of noise can easily permanently damage a newborn’s hearing.  Children tend to hold objects up to their ears if the toy makes any noise.  While you don’t need to completely remove sound from their playroom, it’s important to make sure the noise is soft and gentle.  Try not to purchase any electronic toys that are loud and obtrusive, and keep an eye on them during play time to make sure they aren’t putting the toy to their ear.


Turn Down the Volume


Infants are still exposed to sounds like the television, or even video games.  More often than not, we turn these devices up louder than necessary.  Keep the volume on low when your infant is near a television or computer.  It will ensure that their hearing is not being harmed by the loud noise.  Even better, place them far away from the television if you’ve put on a movie or children’s show.  


Don’t Clean Inner Ears on Your Own


A professional is the only person who should be cleaning the excessive buildup of earwax in your newborn’s ear.  Conducting such a process on your own will probably involve cotton swabs and water ear flushers.  Both of these can seriously damage a child’s hearing, especially because the discomfort will likely cause them to fight the action.  It could cause a cotton swab to be forced into their inner ear.  Only use a water ear flusher when directed by a healthcare professional.


Have your newborn’s hearing tested with Bay Area Audiology today!


If you are concerned about hearing loss or seeking hearing evaluations, tinnitus evaluations, or hearing aid assistance, our doctors are ready to help. We are passionate about helping all of our patients improve their quality of life through better hearing. We also believe that patient education is critical, so you won’t be lead through endless sales pitches at our office. If you are interested in hearing how we can help you hear even better, contact us at (410) 838-4327 or online. For more hearing tips and articles, follow Bay Area Audiology on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, and LinkedIn.


Don’t hesitate–we can help.


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