Did you know it’s possible to experience hearing loss without age or noise being a cause?
Hearing loss can occur with age, and it can be noise-induced. These are two very common reasons why someone may experience hearing loss. Most people experience hearing loss as they grow older regardless of ear protection, and a lot of younger people are exposed to loud noises that can damage their hearing. However, it’s possible to experience hearing loss without it being related to age or noise. Read on for some of the more uncommon causes of hearing loss.
Uncommon Acquired Hearing Loss
Infections, such as otitis media and otitis externa, appear after birth in the outer and middle ear. Infections can cause hearing loss through a number of ways, most usually due to medical complications. Though, problems that are caused by infection can usually be dealt with through surgery or other medical means. Other acquired hearing loss causes could be Meniere’s Disease, auditory neuropathy, otosclerosis, or even a viral infection. All of these are called acquired hearing loss due to the symptoms showing up after an illness or event.
Congenital Hearing Loss
Though it may sound like defective hearing must be caused due to genetics if someone is born with the condition, that’s not entirely dure. Congenital hearing loss can be caused by genetics, but it can also be caused by complications. These non-genetic factors could be a low birth weight, toxemia, harm during pregnancy, or any number of maternal diseases. As for genetic conditions, hearing loss can be found in those with Stickler Syndrome, CHARGE Syndrome, Neurofibromatosis Type II, Usher Syndrome, and Waardenburg Syndrome. Hearing loss is not always guaranteed with these conditions, but it is highly likely.
If you need assistance with your hearing loss problem, Bay Area Audiology is here to help!
Ready to change the way you look at hearing loss? Our Doctor of Audiology, Dr. Trisha A. Bents Muth, is exceptionally experienced in the art of audiology, and is dedicated to providing the absolute best solutions. Bay Area Audiology has been working to give patients a comfortable environment, with thorough evaluations. We are independently owned, and unbiased when it comes to finding you the care you need.
You can always come into the office, or contact us in advance to set up an appointment. We also provide updates on our social media websites. You can check out our Facebook,Twitter,
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