![hearing aid](https://www.belairhearingaids.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/analogue-hearing-aid.jpg)
Most intensive maintenance and cleaning procedures should be performed by a professional, but there are tasks you can carry out on your own.
Hearing aids, like all medical devices, need regular maintenance. Most intensive maintenance and cleaning procedures should be performed by a professional, but there are tasks you can carry out on your own. Regular, general care of your hearing aid is what is going to increase its lifespan, so it can continue to make your life easier. For a few basic tips that can help you care for your hearing aid, read on.
Clearing Debris
Over the course of the day, your hearing aid will be surrounded by dust particles and cerumen, or earwax. A buildup of this can damage your hearing aid and shorten its lifespan. At the beginning of each day, wipe your hearing aid with a dry tissue or clean cloth. Make sure the tissue does not have lotion incorporated in the material. Also, it’s best to clean your hearing aid in the morning, because it gives the cerumen a chance to dry, making it easier to remove.
Moisture Protection
You should never wear your hearing aid in the shower. Even if you don’t get any water drops in your ear, the moisture from the humidity and steam will inevitably cause damage to a hearing aid. Every night, the hearing aid should also be contained within a dehumidified container. Your hearing aid will probably be designed to ward off moisture, but it’s always a good idea to be safe.
Abrasive Damage
If your hearing aid has any visible damage on the outside, it should not be used; this could potentially harm the inside of your ear canal. If a hearing aid malfunctions due to damage, it could also further your hearing loss. When your hearing aid is broken or destroyed, gather the pieces and contact your audiologist.
For more intensive hearing aid care, call Bay Area Audiology today!
If you are concerned about hearing loss or seeking hearing evaluations, tinnitus evaluations, or hearing aid assistance, our doctors are ready to help. We are passionate about helping all of our patients improve their quality of life through better hearing. We also believe that patient education is critical, so you won’t be lead through endless sales pitches at our office. If you are interested in hearing how we can help you hear even better, contact us at (410) 838-4327 or online. For more hearing tips and articles, follow Bay Area Audiology on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, and LinkedIn.