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What Does it Mean to Have Tinnitus?

Tinnitus could be debilitating, and may interfere severely with your day-to-day life.

Tinnitus could be debilitating, and may interfere severely with your day-to-day life.

Have you ever heard of tinnitus?  It’s possible you’re very familiar with the condition and wish to get it treated.  But it is also very common–about 1 in 10 adults suffer from tinnitus.  It comes in many different forms and each person experiences tinnitus in their own way.  You might have tinnitus and not even know it.  Read on to find out all about tinnitus, and what it really means to live with it.

Have you ever heard of tinnitus?  It’s possible you’re very familiar with the condition and wish to get it treated.  It is very common–about 1 in 10 adults suffer from tinnitus.  It comes in many different forms and each person experiences tinnitus in their own way.  You might have tinnitus and not even know it.  Read on to find out all about tinnitus, and what it really means to live with it.


What is Tinnitus?


Tinnitus is a subjective noise coming from inside the body that only that person can hear.  It usually presents itself as a high-pitched distant ringing, but can also be clicks, whistling or hissing.  The condition itself is not a disease, but rather, a symptom.  There are many causes, and some physicians think tinnitus could be hereditary.  


What Causes Tinnitus?


There are non-serious causes for tinnitus that shouldn’t raise any sign for concern. Some of those causes are related to normal hearing loss that happens as we age.  Other causes can be certain medications, damage to the inner ear, excessive earwax, or even ear infections.  Tinnitus could also be a symptom for a serious disease.  It is frequently a symptom of diabetes, and could even indicate the presence of a tumor.  Regardless of whatever you think the cause might be, you need to have tinnitus evaluated by an audiologist.


Are There Treatments for Tinnitus?


Yes.  At Bay Area Audiology, we offer several solutions.  One is the use of a hearing aid, which can amplify sounds, and distract you from your tinnitus throughout the day.  Another is a wearable sound device that creates sound audible only to you.  There is also the option of a sound device that can drown out tinnitus while you sleep.  Unfortunately, the only real “cure” for this condition is covering up the noise.  If you have suddenly incurred tinnitus, you will likely get used to the sound over time and it will become less intrusive.


Do you think you have tinnitus?  Get an evaluation at Bay Area Audiology today!


Our Doctor of Audiology, Dr. Trisha A. Bents Muth, is exceptionally experienced in the art of audiology, and is dedicated to providing the absolute best solutions.  Bay Area Audiology has been working to give patients a comfortable environment, with thorough evaluations.  We are independently owned, and unbiased when it comes to finding you the care you need.  


Get help for your tinnitus.  You can always come into the office, or contact us in advance to set up an appointment.  We also provide updates on our social media websites.  You can check out our Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, and Pinterest to keep up with Bay Area Audiology.
Don’t hesitate–we can help.

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